


According to 2022 survey date from the Council on Responsible Nutrition (CRN), three-quarters of Americans surveyed report using nutritional or dietary supplements. Two-thirds of supplement users report they have added new supplements or increased their dose in the last year.

In fact, according to one report, the global supplements market was valued at USD 149 billion in 2022 and is projected to grow to 240 billion by 2028.  The primary factors attributed to this phenomenal growth are the growing geriatric population, the shift from pharmaceuticals towards nutraceuticals due to the growing focus on preventive healthcare, and the growing focus on personalized nutrition.

Boil this down and what you have is a huge segment of our public who is interested in health more now than ever. That’s the good news. The bad news is over 50% of dietary supplement users are reported to have consulted with their primary care physician for supplement recommendations, while only 13% consulted with a Dietitian or nutritionist.

Why does the public believe their doctor knows more about dietary supplements than a dietitian? Could it have anything to do with the fact that a standard mantra in dietetic education for years has been “you can get all you need from a good, varied diet? Is it because the perception is that dietitians only work in food groups?


It’s true – there’s simply not enough deep education on supplements in mainstream curricula


I’m Susan Allen, and I have 30 years of amazing experience successfully using dietary supplements with clients in the many Functional Medicine settings I’ve worked in, including several years in private practice.  I’ve even consulted for a couple of supplement companies along the way.

I know the ins and outs, what to do, and what NOT to do, and I’ve got insider industry secrets ready to share! It’s critical you know this too if you want to capture the business that’s out there just waiting for you to grab. I’ve been providing professional training for Dietitians/Nutritionists for over 10 years now because I know firsthand how much our public needs responsible and safe guidance for their health. 

Many I train are surprised there is a lot more to know about dietary supplements than they ever thought.  I’ll be starting my full training series soon, but for now, I’d like to share a peek into my world of dietary supplements, so you have a better idea of why this is such an important area for you to be super knowledgeable and confident in.


Our public needs true experts to guide them! Let me help fill in the gaps of your learning so you can become the trusted resource your clients need!


In this approximately 1.5-hour webinar, you’ll get a window into this vital information…

  • Where many go horribly wrong with supplement choices without even realizing  
  • The shocking reports of adulterated products and how to better source supplements.
  • How to give the most effective recommendations and save your clients cash at the same time!

Dietary Supplements:

4 Critical Things You May Not Know That
Can Profoundly Change Your Clients’ Lives!

Cost: Free

1.5 CPE for Dietitians

Your Presenter: Susan Allen-Evenson RDN, LDN, FMNS

Susan Allen-Evenson, RDN, CCN, FMNS

Susan Allen-Evenson, RDN, LDN, FMNS

Founder & Mentor, Next Level Functional Nutrition

Thirty years ago my mentor in the field of Functional Medicine helped me realize there was more to nutrition than I learned in my traditional training. Enticed, this led me down an exciting path of discovery that transformed me, both personally and professionally. I hear often from my clients, “No one else has ever told me this” and “I feel better than I have in years!”

Enthralled with my success and career growth using IFMNT, I realized I just had to share this with my peers. This vision is what birthed my own mentor program almost 20 years ago, which eventually grew into the international training initiative Next Level Functional Nutrition, where noted experts join me in influencing thousands to incorporate IFMNT into practice.

My mission is to see nutrition considered the very cornerstone of health and to have my colleagues experience no less than the level of respect and success they so deserve, yet often struggle to have. I truly believe IFMNT is the key!

I am proud to be considered one of the pioneers in our global healthcare transformation. Join me on this amazing journey and see for yourself how much more you can grow and make a difference yourself!