Healthcare Professionals – It’s Time to Fast-Track Your Knowledge and Give Your Patients  the Answers They’ve Been Searching For!


Master the systems biology and root-cause analysis of thyroid health. 

Expand your awareness of inducers of thyroid dysfunction rooted in inflammation, toxicity, and nutritional imbalance.

Discover the Lab work you need and how to interpret results to know the WHOLE story.

Get answers to questions your clients have on complementary therapies to support optimal thyroid health! 

A Functional Nutrition Focus on Thyroid Health

13-hour Previously Recorded Live Webinar Series Now Available for On-demand Learning. Note: these recorded options do NOT provide pre-approved CPE

Recording access is available for 6 months from registration.
All slides and handouts may be downloaded to your permanent files.

If you want to stand out from the crowd, and truly help everyone that comes your way, you can’t afford to lack knowledge when it comes to your client’s thyroid health.


The thyroid is a tiny but incredibly important gland whose main responsibility is to regulate the body’s metabolism. Its failure can have a devastating and even fatal impact.

Conventional medicine has predictable answers for thyroid disease, but unfortunately, there remain clients with subclinical presentation that often goes undetected or unattributed to thyroid dysfunction. Even those considered adequately medicated can still present with symptoms. Worse yet, many are told their thyroid isn’t the problem but if looked at more deeply, there indeed is a connection to the thyroid!

 By applying multiple aspects of Functional Nutrition, more in-depth support of thyroid health can be achieved. Help your clients find the missing pieces and achieve vibrant health once and for all!

Increase your Knowledge & Confidence, your Efficacy, and Your Success in Practice!

What Will You Learn?

Learn about the purpose of the thyroid in the human body, what issues relate to dysfunction, the historical treatments and medications for thyroid issues, and what thyroid health and support look like through the Functional Medicine lens. Examine the common misconceptions and negative influences surrounding thyroid health and what can be done to overcome them.

  • When thyroid is a problem even when it looks like it’s not!
  • How conventional thyroid testing falls short!
  • Why, even when medicated, the thyroid begs for more help!
  • Underlying root cause of thyroid dysfunction that MUST be addressed!

The Details

Part I: The Science

What is the thyroid gland and what are the many roles that it has — Understand the wide net that the thyroid gland casts over the entire body and why it is so important to understand its function if you are ever going to help someone out of thyroid dysfunction. 

What are the many types of thyroid conditions and what are the main symptoms to look out for — Learn about the different forms that thyroid disorders can take in the body as well as all of the possible symptoms to look out for. 

The root causes behind the development of thyroid conditions and how to help clients assess where their thyroid problem truly started from — Take a deep dive into the true underlying causes that are behind the development of almost every thyroid condition. 

The best ways in which a person can test for thyroid problems in the blood — This section covers all of the means in which client can test their thyroid health markers and what the optimal ranges of those values should be. This section also explains the reasons why a person’s symptoms are just as important as their lab values when it comes to determining if a thyroid condition is present or not. 

Explore thyroid replacement medications and understand why one may work better for some and not others — This section also teaches how to safely advise clients on how to never stop searching for the right blend of medications, nutrition, and lifestyle improvements that can give them their energy levels back. 

Part II: The Application

How can a person heal from a thyroid condition and how does the diet affect thyroid health — Learn how to help clients implement dietary changes custom tailored for their success, as well as learn dietary factors that possibly cause their condition to worsen.

What needs to be done in order to eliminate root cause triggers that may be preventing a person from healing — Learn the negative lifestyle factors that can either contribute to the development of a thyroid condition or prevent a person from regaining their health and energy levels. Likewise, discover dysfunction in other body systems that can also get in the way as well.

Course Coverage

  1. Introduction to Thyroid Health: Thyroid Physiology & Function
  2. Common Thyroid Dysfunction/Thyroid disruptors
  3. Thyroid Disorders Detailed: Hypo. Hyper, and Autoimmune
  4. Nutritional Influences on Thyroid Dysfunction: Goitrogens, Gluten, Fluoride, Oxalates, Microbiome Imbalance, and More
  5. Thyroid Health Assessment and Testing Biomarkers
  6. Genomic and Lifestyle Influences
  7. A Review of Conventional and Complementary Thyroid Support
  8. Nutritional Support: Iodine, Tyrosine, Vitamins and Minerals
  9. Herbal and other Complementary Support

Objectives of this Training:

After completing this course, participants will be able to:

  • Recognize the physiology function of the thyroid.
  • Describe aspects of thyroid dysfunction & related misconceptions.
  • Explore the Functional Medicine view of thyroid health with corresponding lab interpretation.
  • List detailed nutritional, herbal, and lifestyle support for maximizing thyroid health

See What Others Are Saying

Kerry Mitchell RDN, LD, CLT

Susan teaches us what we thought we would be learning as a dietitian in school. She fills in the blanks of what is missing in our training and how we can truly be the nutrition expert through IFMNT.

Kristin McKie Bergeson, MPH, RDN, LD

This class opens the RDN up to very exciting new ways to help people feel better and become healthier!

Kate Ruley, MEd, RD, CSSD

Susan Allen’s Level I Functional Medicine Nutrition program provides an insightful look into the burgeoning world of integrative nutrition. Whether you are a clinical nutritionist/dietitian or a specialist in another field you will find the information presented in this course invaluable

Susan Allen-Evenson RDN, CCN, FMNS

Your Instructor:

30-yr Functional Nutrition expert

and pioneer in the field,

Susan Allen-Evenson RDN, LDN, FMNS

(More about Susan here)


Our population is invested in health and disease prevention more than ever before. Many are looking past the conventional medical paradigm to a broader level of support encompassing nutrition, lifestyle, and complementary therapies. Without enough qualified clinicians trained in these modalities, the public is left to the internet and less qualified health coaches.

It’s time we expand beyond our conventional training to the fuller aspects of Integrative and Functional Care – that which addresses root-cause analysis and systems biology approaches that are more comprehensive and evidenced based – this to better support the health and wellness of those we serve!

Ultimately, the knowledge you will gain in this and other courses here at NLFN has the potential to raise you to the top-tier of practitioners with the highest ability to help your clients achieve success in reaching their health goals. With this comes a proven model for your career growth and satisfaction. It’s a win-win all around!

Get the training to deliver outstanding results even for the toughest cases
so that you can command more money, help more clients, and dominate your market.